Updates from the Anticipation Hub #16
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A look back at COP28 and a new report mapping anticipatory action in Asia-Pacific
Kazakhstan acts in anticipation of a cold wave Kazakhstan Red Crescent Society |
Uganda acts in anticipation of the peak impacts of floods Uganda Red Cross Society |
New report on a mapping exercise on anticipatory action in Asia and the Pacific |
Pakistan holds its first National Dialogue Platform on Anticipatory Action Pakistan Red Crescent Society |
Bangladesh holds its second National Dialogue Platform on Anticipatory Humanitarian Action
German Red Cross |
Two new briefings explore critical themes for anticipatory action ahead of COP28
A roadmap for anticipatory action in Asia-Pacific
Asia-Pacific Technical Working Group on Anticipatory Action |
Anticipatory action at COP28: a quick readout Anticipation Hub |
Reconciling humanitarian principles with anticipatory action ahead of conflict in Kenya and Nigeria Anticipation Hub |
Uncovering the gaps: analysis of disaster-risk financial flows in Kenya from 2016 to 2022
Start Network
Anticipating drought in Timor-Leste
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Empowering children for a resilient future with free resources: the COPE Disaster Books series
Community conversation #14: Black swans and sitting ducks – preparing the humanitarian sector for unprecedented weather events Anticipation Hub |
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deadline 31 January 2024 |
Programme Policy Officer P3 (Anticipatory Action & Climate Risk Management) in Tanzania WFP |
deadline 5 February 2024 |
Consultancy assignment for Protection, Gender & Inclusion (PGI) in Anticipatory Action Plan UK |
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